Sunday, January 26, 2014

Step by step: Infinity Wildcat

Here is how I painted my first model for Infinity.
I have mostly used the color scheme by Studio Giraldez, and used my new paints made by Vallejo.
I especially love the Model Color range, will definitely invest more in that line.

Hope you enjoy, and please ask if you have any questions :-)

The base is made using 0.75mm plasticard. A grid of 5mm i used to align the drill holes

Model assembled

Ready for paint!

Shoulders is based with white Vallejo Surface Primer.

Shoulders is masked

Entire model based with black Vallejo Surface Primer

Colors used for the base

Base is airbrushed

Masking removed

Red parts is painted Black Red

Colours used for the shoulder pads.
Basing: Pale blue - Wash: Turquoise (Model Color)

White highlights

Colors for the red

Highlighted with Evil Sunz Scarlet + Sunny skintone

Ivory added to the previous mix

Colors used for the black parts.

Starting with the legs...

Moving up...

The gun is given a glaze with Turquoise + Glaze medium

Colors for the bottom of the gun.

Gun highlighted with almost pure white

"Eyes" are primed with white to get a lighter effect on the top coat.

The different lights are first painted in greyscale...

The eyes and glowing lights are painted with these color on top of the bright base made earlier.

The holes in the base is given some black wash.

Ready for touch up :-)

Finished :-)

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